Robyn's Blog

My Journey Through Battling Breast Cancer

I’m Back! October 9, 2010

Filed under: October 2010 — Robyn Markson @ 10:25 am

Well, here I am happy and healthy post a very tough recovery. I’d planned to update all my readers with the details of my happenings since right before my surgery… I will do that! But, today in the Miami Herald, my story made front page news ( I’m elated to be able to get the word out about the BRCA gene. Regardless if it was me or someone else, if you have the gene, take extreme action immediately. I didn’t, did everything right, so I thought and look at me now. A pillar of strength and strong conviction, yes, but it’s hard not to think I would have been fine weak and shallow having not having to go through this hell. But, as I’ve always said, no turning back, and no asking why me? I’m doing GREAT… My kids are great. My marriage is better than great, it’s amazing and I’ve become even closer with my family and friends because of my ordeal.

On October 29th, I will start the reconstruction process and I am so excited. Cosmetic surgery will be a breeze compared to the other operations I’ve endured. This week I had my “Toast To Life” party and it felt amazing to have so many friends come out and toast me. Filled with warmth, everyone who was there truly made an impact in my life in one way or another and the night was better than I could have ever imagined.

I’ve been busy trying to get the word out about the BRCA gene and I plan to continue working to get other woman to understand my message. On October 14th, I will appear on a show called The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV at 7am. I also did a piece with my family for local Channel 10 but I don’t have that air date yet. Breast cancer month wouldn’t be complete without my team participation this year in the Komen Race For The Cure. The event takes place at Bayfront Park next Saturday morning. Robyn’s Rainbows will be out there bright and early along with Stacy’s Stars and Lori’s Hearts to celebrate our survival together with family and friends. If you haven’t signed up yet, go to and join my team!

I’m making a formal promise right here, right now to start blogging again and update all my readers on what occurred post surgery. I’m coming back with all my thoughts and ideas for a future of knowledge and understanding for those with the BRCA gene and breast cancer patients as a whole. I’m going to turn my experience into more of a positive experience than I already have. So watch out world, I’M BACK!!!

Toast To My Health - 10/7/20


2 Responses to “I’m Back!”

  1. Матвей Says:

    Bravo, very good thought

  2. diana cardenas Says:

    I also am a breast cancer survivor. I had double mastectomy,chemo, and radiation. I had reconstruction but had a problem with implants and had to have them removed. I just had DIEP flap reconstruction in July. I see you are having a TRAM flap. THink about it before you do it–it involves removing muscle and that has future consequences. THe DIEP flap is the same, but w/o muyscle removal–it is a microvascular surgery which should only be performed by an expert. No one in Miami (or south FLa) did this, until April of this year. Dr. Jaime FLores (comes from Johns Hopkins) came to Univ of Miami and performed the surgery on me. He is currently in private practice in the area. (305-542-5911) He is awesome–highly skilled and great bedside manner) and he is the ONLY game in town! Make sure you look into it before subjecting yourself to the TRAM . I highly recommend him. Your plastic surgeon may be excellent, but he is not a microvascular surgeon. Trust me, I thoroughly researched the matter.
    I have been down the same road you have. I was diagnosed in Feb 2009.
    I am so happy to see that you are doing well. I wish you the very best . Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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